Ipi mocap studio free download
Ipi mocap studio free download

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Variability in Kinect! measurements was smallest at the slowest velocity. Correlation between Kinect! and Vicon stride timing was high and error was fairly small. Kinect! knee measurements were somewhat better than hip, but were not consistent enough for clinical assessment. Kinect! and Vicon hip angular displacement correlation was very low and error was large. Although Kinect measurements were representative of normal gait, the Kinect! generally under-estimated joint flexion and over-estimated extension. Concurrent hip and knee peak flexion and extension and stride timing measurements were compared between Vicon and Kinect!. Twenty healthy adults (nine male, 11 female) were tracked while walking and jogging at three velocities on a treadmill. The purpose of this study was to assess concurrent validity of the Kinect! with Brekel Kinect software in comparison to Vicon Nexus during sagittal plane gait kinematics. The Microsoft Kinect! has the potential to be used as an alternative low-cost motion analysis tool.

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Three-dimensional (3D) motion capture systems are widely used, accurate systems, but are costly and not available in many clinical settings. Biomechanical analysis is a powerful tool in the evaluation of movement dysfunction in orthopaedic and neurologic populations.

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